Love is Love - Engagement Shoot

Come away with me and we’ll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I’ll never stop loving you

These two travelled all the way from Vienna for their engagement shoot. We decided on nature, forest, colourful leaves and romantic lake for the shoot. The perfect setting for two people so deeply in love. And boy did we have fun too.
I wish I could be a little mouse to watch their wedding this October.
It will be unique, incredibly stylish and full of emotion and wonderful people I am sure.

Andreas  & Adrian – it was such an honour that you chose me to capture your love.

I am proud and grateful and humbled.
May your love never stop growing.

Scottish Highlands Wedding

"My love is like a red, red rose that’s newly sprung in June
My love is like the melody that’s sweetly played in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, so deep in love am I..."

When my dear friend and very talented colleague Ann-Kathrin Koch asked me to be her second shooter and assistant at a wedding set in Aberdeenshire - on the edge of the Scottish Highlands I dropped everything to be able to join her.
Victoria & Mark had the perfect wedding day. Full of deep, honest love, amazing family and friends. So many tears of joy, so much laughter. I am not even going to start on the dress, the veil, the FLOWERS, the decorations, the breathtaking location... look for yourself.
It was heartbreaking to leave when the party started actually.
They made me feel incredibly welcome and I will never ever forget them.
Thank you so much Ann for your trust in me and for the great time we had in our little highland cottage. Thank you so much Victoria and Mark for introducing me to the world of men in kilts and whiskey and British weddings and for your warm, kind, fun personalities.
Stay this happy forever xxx
The day I return to Scotland I'll drink a dram in your honour.

Dress Designer Caroline Castigliano Veil Sara Gabriel Second Dress Kobus Dippenaar
Grooms Attire MacGregor and McDuff Venue Drumtochty Castle Stationery Tom Gautier of Paper & Things Florist Planet Flowers Bridesmaid Dresses BHLDN Band Bahookie Wedding Cake Bonny Wee Cakes Videographer Shutterbox Films Bridal Shoes Rupert Sanderson Bridal Jacket Rosa Clara Headpiece Twigs and Honey Bagpiper Greg Stewart

Make sure you watch the wedding video by the amazing Dawn and Lee of Shutterbox Films!

what are PopUp shOots?

since I have received an insane amount of emails asking what PopUp shOots are supposed to be I decided to write a little explanation. :-)
PopUp shOots are a collaboration between my stylist friend Zuzanna Grabias and myself.
We want to offer women and men the opportunity to receive excellent hair and make-up styling and unique high quality photographs with as little time/stress involved as possible at a super affordable price.
Depending on if you need business portraits, set cards, a new social media profile.....
let us know what you have in mind and we are happy to discuss all plans with you upfront.
Here is a glimpse into  what this shoot could look like:
It is our intention to create pictures that you will love forever, that make you feel stunning and happy with yourself.
We will literally announce that we will "Pop UP" in a place a few weeks down the line, offer a certain amount of spots (usually 6) and you can sign up by paying a deposit and chosing your time-slot.
Keep an eye out on our facebook page for updates on appointments.
In total you will spend about 90 minutes with us on set.
I shoot on analog film only. Therefore it can take about 2- maximum 3 weeks for you to receive images. Included in the package is the styling, approx. 30 minutes of shooting and 5 images in print and as high-res digital file for your private use.

Our first ever PopUp shOots will take place in Munich on Sunday, JULY 12th from 9am to 6pm
total price (all of the above included) is €290,00
You will have to pay a deposit fo €150,00 to book your spot. Remainder is due on the day of shooting.

shoot me an email OR use the contact form on my website.


Seit unserer Verkündigung auf Facebook haben ich unzählige Anfragen bekommen, was es denn mit PopUp shOots auf sich hat.
PopUp shOots sind eine Kollaboration zwischen meiner Freundin, Stylistin Zuzanna Grabias und mir, Siegrid Cain.
Wir bieten Frauen und Männern professionelles, individuelles Styling von Haaren und Makeup kombiniert mit einzigartigen Portraits - das ganze mit so wenig Stress- und Zeitaufwand wie möglich und zu einem richtig guten Preis.
Bewerbungsbilder, Model set cards, Social Media Profile, Geschenk für jemand geliebten... sag bei Buchung bescheid, was Du Dir vorstellst und wir erledigen das für Dich.
Ganz einfach unkompliziert - cool - einzigartig und mit einer riesen Portion Spass.
So kann das ganze aussehen - das ist Zuzanna selbst und sie ist KEIN Model!
Unsere Bestrebung ist es Bilder von Euch zu kreiren, die Euch glücklich machen mit Euch selbst.
Du wirst ca. 90 Minuten mit uns verbringen. Ich fotografiere analog - daher kann es zwischen 2-maximal 3 Wochen dauern bis Du Deine Bilder in Händen haltest.
Der Preis ist ein Gesamtpaket inklusive Haar und Make-up Styling, ca 30min Shooting, 5 ausgewählte Bilder gedruckt und als high-res digitale Datei zur freien privaten Nutzung.
Wir werden immer wieder, ein paar Wochen im Voraus, die nächsten PopUp shOots verkündigen und bieten maximal 6 Shoots an einem Tag.
München, Berlin, Salzburg, Wien, Paris.... wer weiss wo es uns hin verschlägt. Also Augen offen halten - und am Besten unsere  facebook page  liken um nichts zu versäumen.

Unsere ersten PopUp shOots finden am Sonntag, 12. Juli 2015 von 9-18Uhr in MÜNCHEN statt.
Dieses erste mal bieten wir oben beschriebenes Paket zu einem sensationellen Preis von €290,00 an
Wir haben noch Plätze frei.
Um fix zu buchen benötigen wir eine Anzahlung von €150,00 - wer zuerst kommt malt zuerst.

Einfach per email melden: ODER mein Kontaktformular verwenden. WIR SIND GESPANNT!

Beauty Portraiture

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." Coco Chanel

I am deeply honoured that Zuzanna of Hajs-ajs asked me to take her portraits. What was supposed to be business portraiture turned into beauty photography of the finest. Because she simply decided to bare her soul to me and let me do my thing. And these are some results of 1 hour in crazy heat and outfit changes in a busy town neighbourhood :-)

If you ever need a stylist and make-up and hair artist - she is the one to go too! Trust me!

Many thanks to my trusted lab Carmencita for taking such great care of my film and knowing exactly what my vision was.
All images shot on Kodak Professional Film and Ilford Film on my trusted beloved Mamiya :-)


Bohemia Gathering Vol. 1 - Vichy - France

"Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.” Edmund Lee

April 9-12 2015 - the days where a dream became reality and magic happened.
Isabelle of 2Brides and me, Siegrid Cain had a joint vision for a gathering designed for female film photographers. Women that are likeminded, women who have passion, and dreams. Women who want to grow as persons, not just come home from a workshop with many pretty pictures but with a heart and head full of inspiration, self-love, kindness and knowledge and most of all with new friends alongside them who share all these trades.
Our Location - the beautiful B&B Aux Jardins des Thevenets literally fell into our field of vision out of nowhere. Because it simply was meant to be. We followed our gut-feeling from the get-go. Lynn and Olivier were so perfectly matched to all of us and our lifestyle, they became a part of Bohemia that we never want to miss.
And of course Lynn's cooking skills topped all our wildest dreams. A French food heaven.
Our girls - oh our girls... unfortunately one of the group could not join us in the end. But the 9 girls from all over Europe that we chose as our first attendees will be in my heart forever. Every single one so unique and special - we shared, we cried, we laughed (lots) and we photographed...
This is possibly my greatest treasure - that all these women - who did not know each other beforehand - managed to accept and love and find each other.
All because we share this one big love for photography.
Isabelle my dear friend - it's an adventure that I hope we will keep up for many years to come. To help us grow just like the women who join us along the way.
In a way it feels like we have become our own little Bohemia family.

A very deep thank you goes to Jonathan Canlas, most inspirational film shooter of our times to me, and creator of FIND. Because it's FIND that was a life-changer for me and it's where Isabelle and me met and where we started to grow and dream.

All images shot by me - except the one of me - that was shot by the massively talented Isabelle
developed and scanned by the awesome CarmencitaFilmLab in Valencia

We are currently planning the next Bohemia Gatherings in Autumn and Spring. If you would like to find out more please shoot as an email:
and visit our Website

Neue Alben ab sofort erhältlich!

Endlich ist es soweit. Ich hab mir eine kleine, feine Firma gefunden, die Alben nach meinem Geschmack herstellt und auf wunderschönes Fine-Art-Papier druckt.
Es gibt sie in 2 Variationen - mit dickeren oder dünneren Seiten - beide liegen flach auf.
Hand gebunden in edles Leinen (Wahl aus 9 Farben) und nach Wunsch graviert.
Ich mag sie gar nicht hergeben - so sehr bin ich in sie verliebt.
Geliefert werden sie in Baumwoll Säckchen, passende Leinenboxen können ebenfalls gefertigt und graviert werden.
Ab sofort im Shop bestellbar  - ob Hochzeit, Familie, Boudoir, Portrait, Love-Shoot.... die passen zu jedem Thema und sind ein besonderes Geschenk an sich selbst oder Menschen
die man gern hat.

Kapuzinerhof Laufen

Mit dem guten Geschmack ist es ganz einfach:
Man nehme von allem nur das Beste. Oscar Wilde

Der Kapuinerhof Laufen hat mich letztes Jahr eingeladen, das wundervolle Ambiente und Eindrücke der leckeren Küche einzufangen. Es war und ist mir eine Ehre. Nicht nur weil ich schon einige Hochzeiten begleiten durfte, die im Kapuzinerhof ganz besonders fein gefeiert haben.
Sondern auch, weil ich persönlich unheimlich gerne dort zu Gast bin - ob privat mit meiner Familie und Freunden oder geschäftlich um Klienten zu treffen.
Zu jeder Tageszeit ist es ein Genuss im Garten zu verweilen oder in einem der gemütlichen, sehr geschmackvoll eingerichteten Gasträume ein bisschen Zeit zu verbringen. Es ist jedes mal ein bisschen wie Urlaub und man möchte gar nicht mehr weg.
Das vielseitige Angebot an Gaumenfreuden ist unvergleichbar - auch für Vegetarier ein absoluter Hochgenuss.
Und gekrönt wird das Erlebnis noch von professionellem, freundlichen Personal und der unheimlich liebenswerten Gastgeberin Sina Fingerhut.

Shot on Kodak Professional Film. Dev/scan by the one and only Carmencita Film lab

Featured Family Lifestyle Shoot

I like to portrait families how they really are. In their own home or outdoors... To capture memories that will make their hearts glow and put smiles on their faces in years to come. Little treasures to help remember what it was like...

One of these shoots has been featured on a brand new lifestyle blog today


Shot on Kodak film, dev/scan Carmencitafilmlab  

Shot on Kodak film, dev/scan Carmencitafilmlab 


here you can see the whole feature and a glimpse into the life of my friends Mayra, Ben and little Mateo: 

Hochzeitsfloristik - Inspiration

"Es gibt überall Blumen für den, der sie sehen will." Henri Matisse

Welche Blumen habt Ihr für Eure Hochzeit gewählt?
Ich darf über das ganze Jahr so viele herrliche Sträusse und Tischdekorationen sehen und fotografieren. Da möchte ich Euch als kleine Inspiration für Euren großen Tag einfach meine Lieblingsblumen der letzten 2 Jahre zeigen.

Frisch von der Wiese, von der Floristin oder aus Omas Bauern Garten...
Regeln gibt es keine - hauptsache sie passen zu Euch und machen Euch glücklich. :-)

ich bin schon sehr gespannt welche Trends die Saison 2015 uns bringt.
Viel Spass beim Planen und Tüfteln  und Träumen für Eure Traumhochzeit.

shot on KodakProfessional film.